This Workshop will enable the Learner to make the shift in gear to assertiveness from the slow passive or fast aggressive gears. The Learner will learn how to therefore be in (cruise) control and explore, practise and apply tried-and-tested assertiveness techniques; from saying NO effectively to dealing with different behaviour types and be able to deal with the games people play in the workplace.


Highly interactive, moving learners out of their comfort zone and stretching them to the limit. The workshop will increase self-confidence by focussing on confidence ‘tricks’ and make the giant leap to being that self-assured person you know you are from a sub-conscious to a conscious and observable (by others) level. Your organisation needs as close to 100% assertiveness as possible; passive and aggressive behaviour can lead to conflict or ‘inflicting’ unnecessary pressures on individuals, teams and work groups.


This Workshop will increase the confidence of participants to get individuals in your organisation to be truly assertive. We’re not changing personalities; we’re enabling your people to modify their behaviour.

Enhancing Your Personal Impact & Relationships With Others

This Workshop helps the Learner to think completely differently about the situations they encounter in their daily interactions and to assess their own style and ways of handling them in order to develop new and highly effective approaches to develop productive relationships.


This Workshop is highly interactive and involves a number of experiential and ‘eye-opening’ examples of how the Learner sees themselves and how others see them.


If the Learner is looking to improve their interpersonal relationships and reflect on what they are currently achieving compared to what they want to achieve, this workshop will give the Learner the environment, support and guidance to create a personal strategy for improvement.

Creativity & Innovation Thinking Techniques

This Workshop will enable the Learner to have those great ideas and at a flick of a switch determine creative and innovative solutions and ideas. This is a skill that some are born with and naturally form part of our personality make-up, but for others it’s the old adage of ‘thinking outside of the box’.


This Workshop is designed to ‘think beyond the box’. Using creative thinking and innovative techniques, the Workshop will enable the Learner to think like they’ve never thought before. This may not be achieved in the classroom; but it will enable those light-bulb moments to flicker and glimmer.


The Workshop will essentially open your eyes to all the potential uses and can be applied to problem-solving and idea creation, keeping the Learner and their organisation one step ahead

of the rest. Standing still is lethal!


This Workshop diffuses the Learner’s creativity and innovation from a sub-conscious to a conscious level that can be leveraged in your organisation and lead to improvements in processes, policies, procedures, products, and services. The list goes on. Creativity and innovation is still lacking in organisations; but it lies in each of us in different levels – from strategic and practical to wild and wacky. None of these have less benefit from the other.

Emotional Intelligence for Individuals

This Workshop strips down to the bare essentials of the concept of emotional intelligence and its five dimensions as coined by Daniel Goleman. The first day for this Workshop focuses on how to harness your emotions and ‘regulate’ your emotional hot spots and temperature as well as raising your self-awareness as to what triggers your emotional buttons. In essence, what you can do from the inside to control the way you are perceived (often incorrectly) by others.


The second day of this Workshop focuses on the outside and your relationship with others. This breaks down into three major components. Firstly, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes while still remaining in your own i.e. empathy, then, your ability to use your social skills in interpersonal relationships. Finally, what makes you tick, your self-motivation and ascertaining what really gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s not just money you know!


The emotionally intelligent individual has the Ace in the pack from many others, allowing them to not perhaps being the subject matter expert, but the emotionally controlled individual who is tried, tested, trusted and someone who is perceived as being in a state of emotional control. This will enable the individual that everyone in the team wants to work with and understands that what they see is what they get.

Emotional Intelligence When Managing Others

This Workshop allows the individual first- to middle manager to analyse their own emotional intelligence on the five EI dimensions before ascertaining how they can improve the EI of their team. Through feedback and self-analysis, this will be achieved in a number of mainly activity-led learning transfer methodologies to ascertain EI strengths and areas or development. Then the fun really starts.


This workshop then provides a solid understanding of others core emotions in pressure situations and how to improve emotional intelligence on a team level. Paramount to this is learning and recognising that emotions are an integral part of everyone’s work experience and are impacted by the leader and develop guidelines for expressing emotions that contribute to the overall productivity and quality of the team.


Emotional control when being an organisational role-model is paramount to moving higher up the ladder and having the right leaders in place that will be people-focussed and not just move up the hierarchy based on their knowledge and skills, but most importantly in the 21st century on their behaviours and competencies in the workplace.

Genuine Leadership Using Emotional Intelligence

This Workshop challenges those near or at the top of their department or organisation to really ‘ground’ themselves and analyse the impact that they have as role-models, especially emotionally, can have a dramatic or traumatic trickle-down effect on the rest of their teams.


The Learner will be convinced that emotions are at the central core of everyone’s work experiences. Your people are directly impacted by their leader and your ‘emotional capability’. They will learn the impact of ‘negative’ emotional intelligence on quality and productivity output and develop robust action plans and guidelines (for self and others) on having a cultural of ‘open emotion expression’ that will contribute to a more harmonious team dynamic and improve productivity, quality and innovation.

Negotiation Skills for Professionals

This Workshop will examine the eight stages of a typical negotiation situation and break down into single elements to ascertain what needs to be done from a skills, knowledge and behavioural perspective. This ranges from opening to closing and in between the trading, bargaining, reviewing and other key stages of the negotiation process.


Psychology and structure also play a significant part in this Workshop. Psychology from the perspective of what you need to gain a WIN-WIN situation from negotiation for all parties involved (or at least from the perspective and perception of all parties). This involves understanding the other parties and their social styles and how to leverage your communication skills to understand the

bottom line and point of no concession. Structure from the perspective of the roles required from your party in the negotiation from chief negotiator, reviewer, observer and analyst.


This Workshop will be largely practise based and provide a safe environment for real-life negotiation scenarios, but also structured industry-specific role-plays.

Simple; if everyone in your organisation can negotiate 10% better than this will directly affect quality, productivity, pricing and enhance your unique selling points.

Career & Development Planning

This Workshop will examine the learners past, present and future of their Career. A bit like the movie and book A Christmas Carol, where we visit the various ‘spirits’ that have either (in a career context) been in spirit killers or spirit makers. Divided into these three core areas, we will identify where you have been and what’s got you there, where you are now and where you want to be in the future.


This will be done using a number of modern, creative career and development planning tools in a thought-provoking manner. And we do not assume that they only way is up – it depends on the stage of your career and whether you are winding up, winding down or diversifying horizontally. This is a challenging Workshop for the 21st century war for the talented.


Your business will grow if people can realise their own developmental and career goals within organisation. Their career is their accountability; realising their goals is partly your responsibility. They may need you to open ‘organisational doors’ and give them access to skills, knowledge and behaviour.

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Influencing Skills for Success

This Workshop evaluates the Learner against 12 key influencing styles and their associated strengths and development areas. These are divided in PUSH and PULL influencing techniques to give the individual what they want and equally to get what you want as well.  But it’s not negotiation! It’s about using your influencing power levers to get the skill, knowledge, information or access to a hierarchically advantaged individual you are finding hard to ‘track down’.


Highly interactive and involving a series of activities involving group work, this Workshop allows the learner to ascertain how they can weave their communication skills to ‘knit’ the influencing pattern they seek in order to progress. Most Learners often find it more difficult to PUSH using assertiveness, persuasion and coerciveness than to PULL using collaboration, involvement, teamwork and listening.

Networking Skills for Professionals

This Workshop focuses on the importance of professional and social networking and how to get yourself seen and known outside of your own sphere of influence within your organisation.

The Workshop will give you the skills and behaviours to network effectively, including making positive connections through active listening and positive mirrored body language.


The primary focus is on speed networking, making your elevator pitch, capturing the imagination of the person you meet and making that first impression really last in a positive way that enables you to ‘gather’ that person into your network and sustain the relationship beyond a face-to-face situation.


Networking scares many of the people in your organisation. They hide behind emails and telephones; never meeting the person they’re contacting face-to-face even if their offices are in close proximity.

This Workshop will enable your people to put names to all the faces internally

and externally in your organisation.